Welcome to the Friends of the South End Neighborhood Association
Friends of the South End (FOSE) is a nonprofit corporation, (501) (c) (4), dedicated to building community and preserving the unique character of the South End historic district of Portsmouth, NH. We advocate for the interests of the neighborhood and for the greater good of the city beyond.
A Special Place to Live – A Beautiful Place to Visit
The South End is home to a number of historic sites and attractions, including Strawbery Banke Museum, the Wentworth-Gardner and Tobias Lear Historic Houses, the Governor John Langdon House, the gardens of Prescott Park, and the recreational area on Peirce Island. Many of the homes we live in are part of the city’s historic legacy. Since it was organized in the 1970s, FOSE has worked to protect and enhance this legacy in partnership with the historic sites and tourism venues in our neighborhood. We take an active role in the present and future of our community, while helping to preserve the past.
Our year-round calendar of events brings neighbors together to meet one another, to work on special projects, and to unite through special interests and activities. We offer opportunities to volunteer and to get involved. Most importantly, we have fun! We host ice cream socials, lobster bakes, and neighborhood cleanup days. Our signature event, the annual Fairy House Tour, is still going strong after 20 years and brings thousands of visitors to the South End every year. We also host the annual National Night Out on Peirce Island, to which members of the Portsmouth police and fire departments are invited, providing an informal opportunity to engage with them about individual and local concerns.
In 2012, FOSE was designated as a 501 (c) (4) nonprofit organization and is governed by a Board of Directors which meets monthly. New members are usually proposed and endorsed at the Annual General Meeting, however individuals are encouraged to join the board at any time during the year!
Email: fose.messages@gmail.com
Post: PO Box 442
Portsmouth, NH 03802
Mary Thomas, C0-President
Dan Brown, Co-President
Martin Hanssmann, Treasurer
Kathleen Boduch, Secretary
Sub-committee chairs
Kyle LaChance, Membership
Kimberly Lorencic, Events
Mary Thomas, FHT consultant Dan Brown, House Histories Group
Brian LaChance, Events Photographer
Robin Bettencourt
Esther Kennedy
Kate Cook
Rasa Stone
James Baker, Esq.